What To Consider When Giving CBD Oil to Dogs | Golden Goat

What to Consider When Deciding How to Give CBD Oil to Dogs

CBD oil isn’t just a buzzword that keeps coming up in conversations and news articles concerning health and wellness; it’s also a beneficial supplement for your dog. If you use CBD oil for your own health, you should also consider using it for your dog.

CBD oil can help dogs in the same manner that it helps humans. Dogs and humans have an internal system called the endocannabinoid system that regulates biological activities such as sleeping, eating, pain, anxiety, and mood. CBD oil works by interacting with endocannabinoid receptors. 

We recently highlighted six different ways to give CBD to your dog. In this post, we’ll go over some of the questions to ask and things to consider to discover the ideal method and approach for you and your canine companion.

Are our days more routine or adventure-filled?

If you have a regular routine and your dog spends most of his time at home or in your yard, you have many options for what CBD oil product to use. You can keep a jar of CBD peanut butter or a tincture bottle in your cabinet and use it whenever you want—no need to worry about smears of peanut butter or oil on the floor.

If your lifestyle is more unpredictable and you spend a lot of time on the road, you may want to explore a more portable CBD oil for dogs, such as treats in a resealable bottle that you can place in the glove box.

Do I have two or more different size dogs?

If you have many pets requiring varying quantities of CBD daily, you’ll want a CBD solution that allows for some flexibility. Using a CBD tincture can easily add the right quantity to each dog’s food bowl. However, if you own a Chihuahua and a Great Dane, you may require two separate levels of CBD oil to support their specific wellbeing.

What to Consider When Deciding How to Give CBD Oil to Dogs different size dogs -

What are my lifestyle goals for my dog?

Have you ever felt like little Figo could use some help to remain calm during your everyday routine? Both our CBD relaxing chews for dogs and CBD calming oil for dogs provide herbal relaxation help. Alternatively, perhaps you and your dog spend much time playing and exercising outside. 

Our CBD treats for dogs can help improve mobility and keep your canine buddy active. If you want to help your dog achieve specific wellness goals, try products with extra ingredients.

Does my dog have sensitive teeth?

If your dog has super sensitive teeth, it may be advisable to administer CBD as oil rather than a prepackaged treat. CBD soft chews or tinctures are also an option for pets with sensitive chompers. They may struggle to eat the crunchy treats, and treat time should never be a struggle!

Select the Appropriate Daily CBD Recommendation for Dogs

No matter how you administer CBD oil to your dogs, it is critical, to begin with, the correct dose for your dog’s weight. Your dog will require a particular quantity of CBD each day to obtain the benefits. 

You can spread that amount among multiple administration methods, provided that you’ve calculated precise dosages. Also, CBD can accumulate in a dog’s system over time, so be careful when administering it to your pet. 

Continue the same procedure for 30 days before changing your dog’s CBD habit.

While the total daily dose must remain constant, don’t be afraid to experiment with different delivery strategies, such as CBD treats for dogs and peanut butter. 

Finding the appropriate wellness regimen may take some time, but the journey can be enjoyable for you and your furry friend!

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