More dog owners are increasingly detecting anxiety in dogs when they are left alone, especially after being home together for a lengthy period.
Separation anxiety is one of the most frequent types of anxiety in dogs, particularly in breeds that are often used as greyhounds and prefer to have their pack together. Dogs that have experienced trauma or who have been abandoned in the past (as is typical with many rescue dogs) are likewise more prone to abandonment anxiety.
What Causes Anxiety in Dogs?
While anxiety in dogs can strike out of nowhere, it is generally triggered by a change in environment, activities, or routines. This might include the arrival of a new family member, a shift in the daily routine, or a relocation.
During the COVID-19 lockdowns, many dogs became accustomed to spending more time with their owners. However, because many people are returning to work, the sudden shift in routine may cause one of the most frequent kinds of worry in dogs: separation anxiety.
This is not, however, the only form of worry that dogs can suffer. Anxiety in dogs can appear in several forms, including:
- Generalized anxiety: This can develop spontaneously in well-trained dogs, with no clear reason or trigger.
- Environmental anxiety: This is most commonly seen as a fear of leaving the house or traveling to a specific area, such as a veterinarian’s office. Loud noises or scary events, such as sirens, alarms, fireworks, or thunder, can also cause environmental anxiety.
- Social anxiety: This refers to being around other people or dogs and can be caused by previous trauma in rescues or simply a lack of regular socialization.
These various forms of anxiety in dogs can be triggered by a variety of causes and can even occur concurrently.
Signs of anxiety in dogs
What clues should you look for to determine whether your dog is anxious and stressed? The most significant indication, in general, is body language. The symptoms vary from dog to dog based on the type and intensity of their anxiety, but the simplest way to tell whether your dog is anxious is to watch their body language. Subtle symptoms include overreactions or unusual reactions to changes in places, people, or social circumstances. Barking or hyperactivity may be present, but so may a lack of appetite.
Other signs of anxiety in dogs may include:
- Sounds: Dogs may groan, moan, or bark excessively when they are anxious or nervous. A dog yelping enthusiastically for a treat or when their owners walk through the door may sound quite different from a stressed, anxious sound. When their pets react differently to stimuli, dog owners are usually acutely aware.
- Pacing: Anxious dogs may pace around the house, unable to relax. They may lie down for a few minutes before jumping up to find a new spot. Sometimes they act as though they are searching for something.
- Destruction: Destructive behavior may appear to be out of place since it does not always occur when people are around. Dogs who chew their paws, rip up blankets, or scratch door frames do so because they are anxious. They are unable to control their destructive behaviors and frequently experience shame after engaging in destructive behavior. Some pet owners attribute their dog’s destructive behaviors to boredom, although chewing and scratching are often external manifestations of anxiety.
- Shaking: Anxiety and fear often make dogs shake. It is often a way of releasing tension and is very common in rescue dogs who have suffered some sort of trauma, such as abuse or abandonment. Cowering, with the head lowered and the tail tucked under, is another sign of anxiety and often accompanies shaking.
- Drooling: Excessive salivation and panting are autonomic nervous system reactions that dogs exhibit when their fight or flight response is engaged.
- Potty Mistakes: Despite being trained, anxious dogs may forget their potty training and start urinating or defecating in the house.
- Yawning: It may sound absurd that excessive yawning occurs when a dog is anxious or stressed. However, the same biological system that causes all of the other reactions can also cause your dog to yawn.
Keep an eye on these actions to determine whether they reoccur or if they were a one-time occurrence. If your pet only acts out on occasion (for example, chewing on furniture one day), it might be because they were bored or didn’t receive enough exercise that day.
If these are recurring habits and you’re not sure if your dog is displaying additional indications of anxiousness, try installing a camera to monitor them while you’re away.
How can CBD dog treats help?
We don’t purposely allow our dogs to suffer, but because they can’t communicate in words, it’s difficult to know exactly what they need. We can often sense the pain and distress that they are feeling just by looking into their eyes.
Fortunately for us dog lovers, a new wellness trend that utilizes the power of the hemp plant offers a positive solution to alleviate the stress and anxiety in dogs but can’t express it in words.
Although the use of CBD has risen in popularity in recent years, some individuals may be unaware that CBD can also help our furry friends! Many people have discovered that cannabidiol, or CBD, a chemical found in hemp, can help our pets with a variety of pain and stress-related disorders.
CBD, an active component of the hemp plant, provides natural, safe, and effective treatment for anxiety in dogs. CBD Dog Treats are created from organic CBD oil and provide all-natural CBD to enhance your dog’s overall health and wellness.
CBD dog treats come in a range of tasty, dog-approved flavors and have been shown to assist with several illnesses including anxiety, pain management, arthritis, and inflammation.
As with any pet wellness craze, there is a wealth of information available on the internet about CBD oil for dogs. It’s frequently tough to tell what’s true and what’s based on sensationalism.
- CBD Pet Treats$34.99
With so many CBD dog treat alternatives available, it’s essential to conduct thorough research before deciding on the most appropriate option for your pooch. While CBD dog treats are generally safe, you should always double-check a few key details before giving them to your four-legged friend.
Consider the CBD concentration (measured in milligrams), the quality of the components, the transparency of plant growing techniques, flavor options, and the brand’s general reputation.
How Does CBD Affect Dogs?
There hasn’t been any extensive research on how CBD affects dogs. What we do know is that cannabinoids interact with endocannabinoid receptors in the central and peripheral nervous systems, assisting in the maintenance of body balance and health.
CBD has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticonvulsant, and antiemetic properties, making it a promising medication for the treatment of epilepsy, neuroinflammation, oxidative damage, vomiting and nausea, and anxiety.
Another benefit of hemp-based CBD dog treats and biscuits is that they help soothe dogs that are scared by loud noises such as thunderstorms or fireworks. One frequent misconception regarding CBD is that it will make your dog high. CBD actually contains relatively little THC, the main component of marijuana that causes the high.
So, you can be confident that after consuming a hemp-based CBD dog biscuit or treat, your dog will be relaxed but alert. Our dogs no longer have to suffer unnecessarily. Say goodbye to your dog’s anxiety and hello to CBD!
CBD for dogs is available in three forms: capsules, oil and treats. All of these are excellent ways to alleviate your stress and anxiety in dogs. The fact that CBD treats may be taken anywhere makes them ideal for your dog.
Sprinkle a few treats in their kennel before you go out, or keep some in the car, and you’ll be able to give them their favorite treats on the go without having to worry about transporting the oil. Check the dose on the package and never give your dog more than the prescribed number of CBD treats each day.
Risks of Using CBD for Dogs
CBD’s safety profile and the risks it may pose to dogs have not been formally studied. As a result, because the US FDA has yet to approve CBD. It is critical to note that every drug or supplement has the possibility of producing side effects.
When offering your dog something new, it is usually best to start with small quantities and then gradually increase the dosage over time all while attentively watching the effects and impact on your dog. Furthermore, before administering any new medication or nutritional supplement to your dog, you should always speak with your veterinarian first.
It’s never easy to watch our dogs experience anxiety and stress. However, understanding what is causing your dog’s symptoms is the first step in learning how to help them. Once you’ve determined the core reason, you’ll be able to help them feel better by implementing a plan of action, providing them helpful supplements, and visiting your veterinarian.
Whether your dog is suffering from anxiety symptoms, or you are looking for a supplement to maintain good health, CBD dog treats provide fantastic alternatives that may enhance your furry best friend’s overall quality of life.