Make Camping Great Again with CBD | Golden Goat

Make Camping Great Again with CBD

The cost of living has skyrocketed in the US and pretty much everywhere else where humans live. While this may make expensive vacations out of the question, that shouldn’t limit you to staying glued to the idiot box. Local holidays can be a blast! 

So grab a pen and start listing the places you’d like to go and things to take with you on your best-ever camping trip. And, most importantly, don’t forget your Golden Goat CBD!

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Is It a Good Idea to Take CBD along on a Camping Trip?

If you’re a bit of a boy scout, prepared for anything, with an all-purpose Swiss army knife at the ready, CBD is right up your alley because, as we know, it can come in handy for all sorts of reasons.

A little time in nature is just what the doctor ordered for anyone feeling burned out. With some help from CBD (even if camping is not normally your thing), you can make this trip one of your best memories.

Planning & Packing

Yes, we get it…planning and packing can be a bit of a drag, but it’s a necessary evil (and will make all the difference knowing that you haven’t forgotten anything!)

Plan well in advance and take into account your personality. If you are easily bored, take a pack of cards, a book, or other distractions you’ll need to enjoy your time away. Tempted to pack the kitchen sink? Remember, it needs carrying!

Don’t forget a tablecloth for the often-grimy picnic table, garbage bags, and paper plates if there are no washing-up facilities. Things you might need are listed here.

Gummies are susceptible to melting, and topical products should also be kept cool. Ensure you’ve accounted for the storage of any CBD edibles to avoid a sticky mess.

Comfort food

You’re bound to burn up a few extra calories, what with all the hiking, swimming, fishing, rowing, cycling, games, fireside s’more-eating, and starlit “kumbaya”-singing you’re likely to enjoy.  

If trail mix and power bars aren’t really your thing, ensure you have pre-made meals or easy-to-prepare hearty food like noodle soup and baguettes. Think crisps and cookies for a quick fix. The health-conscious might prefer bananas to oranges that need laborious peeling.

Tip: There are some delicious CBD recipes that you can try out for your trip.

Conquering Insomnia

Everything You Need To Know About CBD & Sleep

After an action-packed day, many sleep like babies as soon as they hit the hay. But for some, sleeping outdoors conjures up terrifying images of bears and snakes, and no matter how much fresh air you’ve breathed, you’re in for a couple of sleepless nights.

After all, there are all those strange sounds – the wind howling in the trees, perhaps Noah’s Ark-style deluge bucketing down on the fly sheet of your tent, the rustle of sleeping bags, and the noisy exit of a tent-mate dashing to the toilet. Zzziiiiip! Then Zziiip again as they make their grand re-entrance.

Thankfully, earplugs and CBD have got your back. Studies show that CBD oil can help improve sleep quality without inducing fatigue the next day, so taking some along may be your solution to camping-related insomnia. 

Bug Bites

More worrisome than wild animals and snakes are the flies, mosquitoes, spiders, and ants you’re likely to encounter.

Insects are a dead certainty when camping, so take along a bug-repellent bracelet or perhaps chomp on garlic capsules to fend them off. If you do get munched, CBD salve or spray can relieve inflammation and the incessant itch of bites, so you can focus on letting the good times roll instead of scratching.

Anxiety Relief

Suppose the thought of setting up camp and living in the boonies or sharing toilet and shower facilities has you on edge. No worries! CBD eases stress naturally and helps calm nerves, relaxing anxious users.

One of your fellow campers is working your last nerve? Just pop a yummy gummy and take a stroll. You’ll soon be feeling on top of the world.

Tip: Check out some more natural ways to reduce stress

How CBD Can Help You Beat Work Stress & Be More Productive

stress – actual image will be pulled from websites image library

Feel Energised While Camping

CBD may be a great way to improve your sleep and calm your nerves, but it can also give you some “get-up-and-go” vibes. Besides having more energy from a good night’s rest under the stars, eating a few CBD gummies, or taking a little CBD tincture when you feel sluggish can kickstart flagging energy levels. 

Camping First Aid

Cuts, burns, and scratches are part of camping territory. CBD’s anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties soothe pain, making CBD oil perfect for cuts, burns, and bites. Anecdotally, it is also said to speed up the healing process and can help soothe the sting of sunburn or a campfire burn.

If a wound is severe, it’s always a good idea to get to an emergency room as fast as possible. Muscle aches and pains are bound to occur with hiking, cycling, and swimming during your vacation. Applying CBD topically to sore muscles can promote healing and pain relief.

Other Camping Tips

Talk of camping ailments might be a bit daunting, but that is a small price to pay for time spent unplugged from phones and laptops, connecting with the great outdoors and loved ones.

Focus on making memories. 

You’ll need to be picky about who you camp with to do this. Share it with those you enjoy being around. It may seem like a no-brainer, but bringing Sad Sack Sally, who never lifts a finger and likes to issue instructions, will end in tears.

Practice using gear beforehand 

This will ensure you have all the tent paraphernalia you need and can get the camping show on the road. You don’t want to be fashioning tent pegs in the rain or puzzling over what fits where when it’s getting dark after a tiring road trip. 

What CBD Products should you take along?

Not sure which CBD product you should take along? Head here for all the CBD goodies you’ll ever need… think gummies, topicals, Doobies, and even doggie treats if you take Fluffy along for the ride. (Tip: Always check that dogs are allowed at the campsite you’ve booked!)

Choosing your ideal cbd gummies -

Live Your Best Camping Life With Golden Goat 

There’s something really appealing about being out in nature, away from everyday pressures. Yet, like any trip you take, camping can have its ups and downs. Always take CBD along with you… Not only can it be hugely beneficial, but your overall camping experience is bound to be next-level amazing and one for the books.


Please note that none of the information in this article is intended to substitute for professional medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis. Always seek guidance and advice from a qualified healthcare provider before undertaking a new healthcare regimen.

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